am luat cu copy/paste ca imi era lene sa mai scriu... va prindeti voi ce si cum...
o sa revin cu amanunte in editiile viitoare. (eu am simtit ca ma tot cauta la "coada' zilele trecute ceva ip-uri din Rusia... sper sa nu ma fi "gaurit"...) deocamdata pare ok. dar am dat drumu' la "protocolul intern" de urgenta la backup. :))
aici postam zilele trecute, cand am vazut ca "vedeti doamna ca insista cineva la usa..." :)
radio fara filtru
după cum unii dintre voi deja știu, prima variantă WannaCrypt a fost
oprită temporar, din greșeală. Azi e sâmbătă; până luni aproape sigur va
apărea o nouă variantă care nu va mai putea fi oprită așa ușor – dacă
administrați vreo mașină Windows care s-ar putea să nu fie patched,
rezolvați ACUM, nu așteptați până luni. Atentie la neatentie... Vedetz
ca e foarte nasoala treaba. (Eu am serverele oprite, pana trece chestia
«One thing that is very important to note is our sinkholing only stops this sample and there is nothing stopping them removing the domain check and trying again, so it’s incredibly importiant that any unpatched systems are patched as quickly as possible.»…/how-to-accidentally-stop-a-gl…
«One thing that is very important to note is our sinkholing only stops this sample and there is nothing stopping them removing the domain check and trying again, so it’s incredibly importiant that any unpatched systems are patched as quickly as possible.»…/how-to-accidentally-stop-a-gl…
finally I’ve found enough time between emails and Skype calls to write
up on the crazy events which occurred over Friday, which was supposed to
![radio fara filtru](
vedetz ca e o "mica" problema cu patch-urile... si era logic, sa profite Microsoft de aceast balamuc, dezactiveaza 'licenta' de win ;) dar nah, cum toti suntem corecti, avem dvd-ul original cu licenta... pffff hahah ;)
radio fara filtru cautati-va in aceasta lista sistemul de operare pe care il aveti, si instalati-va patch-ul corespunzator.
security update resolves vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows. The most
severe of the vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if an
attacker sends specially crafted messages to a Microsoft Server Message
Block 1.0 (SMBv1) server.
radio fara filtru
Microsoft solution available to protect additional…
radio fara filtru pentru win7 pe 64bit este al 3-lea din acesta lista de sus in jos
radio fara filtru de aia eu deschid numai porturi "cretine" 8069 , 8076 etc
radio fara filtru
security update resolves vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows. The most
severe of the vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if an
attacker sends specially crafted messages to a Microsoft Server Message
Block 1.0 (SMBv1) server.
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