11 iulie 2015
Becurile "ecologice" sunt extrem de periculoase
becuri cu led,
cuptor cu microunde,
ultra violete,
unde radio,
cum faci o pizza repede si buna?
asta seara din nou , ma simt marinimos. stiu ca eu pt voi sunt un fel de zeu-centaur , si atoate-cunoscator, asa ca asta seara , o sa va explic ,in detaliu cum sa nu mori de foame , si sa iti faci o pizza super buna si super rapid , acasa , seara ora 12 noaptea.
la acest capitol , bucatarie , nu pot spune ca sunt prea "zeu" cum sunt in (multe) alte domenii, dar totusi ma descurc sa fac cateva chestii...de mancat .
(in cazul in care sunt litere lipsa , nu e problema , e doar tastatura pe care scriu , un pic mai mult defecta)
la acest capitol , bucatarie , nu pot spune ca sunt prea "zeu" cum sunt in (multe) alte domenii, dar totusi ma descurc sa fac cateva chestii...de mancat .
(in cazul in care sunt litere lipsa , nu e problema , e doar tastatura pe care scriu , un pic mai mult defecta)
cum fac pizza acasa,
cum se face o pizza buna,
pizza de casa,
pizza rapida si buna,
singur acasa
07 iulie 2015
telefonul cu fir din ata de papiota
Nu sunt deloc melancolic, sau genul de om care traieste in trecut, dar am gasit o carte de telefon de prin 1950. Ma uitam in ea de curiozitate, evident ca nu cautam ceva special, vreun numar de telefon fix din 1950 :) .
06 iulie 2015
10 cai frumosi
Dragutzeii mei: ma bucur ca un ied ce zburda pe campii ,si vreau sa va anunt, ca zilele astea este in teste un server de date de backup , cu 10 hardiskuri . (in total insumate , vreo 8
tera si vreo 200 :D ) (mai taie drecu' din ele) :D ( mai am de pus inca
unu, sa fie 11 cai frumosi :D ) proc-ul nu e ceva deosebit, este un amd
dual core, dar prefer acces sigur la fisiere, (adica cum e bancul ala , "incet si apasat" :D ) nu viteza de transfer. de
asemenea impreuna cu acest server va fi montat in paralel cu un AMD 8 core FX /
Buldozer cu 32 Gb ram (pe fire-wire) ( si care are 3,5 tera hard-uri)(mai mult pt editare video/audio) in principiu
acest server (cel de backup) va fi plin cu kituri ,softuri pt radioamatori ,
documentatie pt radioamatori, si eventual muzica si filme (seed torenti)(poate dau si un play la o muzica buna , cum era pe vremuri cu "cereri din playlist" , sa vedem )
01 iulie 2015
Everyone Who Changed Their Facebook Photos To Rainbow Just Got DUPED
Over a million people changed their facebook profile pictures to a rainbow filter in support of gay marriage.
MIT network scientist Cesar Hidalgo wrote on Facebook yesterday. “The question is, how long will it take for people to change their profile pictures back to normal.”
Experts say that by setting up the tool, Facebook was able to get an unprecedented insight on how to influence their users. This would not be the first time Facebook has done this. In 2013, they published a study in which they admitted to conducting research into what would influence users to change their profile picture to a red equals sign in support of gay marriage.
Suzy Moat, a Warwick Business School assistant professor of behavioral science, said that it’s normal for businesses like Facebook to conduct research studies on how to influence behavior. However, she she also acknowledged that it’s understandable that users would be upset by it.
“On the other hand, it’s extremely understandable that many people are upset that their behavior may have been manipulated for purely scientific purposes without their consent,” she said. “In particular, Facebook’s user base is so wide that everyone wonders if they were in the experiment.”
But Facebook has denied the claims. A spokesperson for the site told DailyMail.com: ‘This was not an experiment or test, but rather something that enables people to show their support of the LGBTQ community on Facebook.
‘The point of this tool is not to get information about people.’
But, as a report in the Atlantic points out, the site has long been involved in research to better see how information spreads in a social network.
For instance, in March 2013, the company published a study that looked at the factors that predicted support for marriage equality on Facebook.
New reports reveal that the “Celebrate Pride” tool may not have been the best idea…
According to Daily Mail, this tool was actually Facebook’s way of performing psychological testing on their users.MIT network scientist Cesar Hidalgo wrote on Facebook yesterday. “The question is, how long will it take for people to change their profile pictures back to normal.”
Experts say that by setting up the tool, Facebook was able to get an unprecedented insight on how to influence their users. This would not be the first time Facebook has done this. In 2013, they published a study in which they admitted to conducting research into what would influence users to change their profile picture to a red equals sign in support of gay marriage.
Suzy Moat, a Warwick Business School assistant professor of behavioral science, said that it’s normal for businesses like Facebook to conduct research studies on how to influence behavior. However, she she also acknowledged that it’s understandable that users would be upset by it.
“On the other hand, it’s extremely understandable that many people are upset that their behavior may have been manipulated for purely scientific purposes without their consent,” she said. “In particular, Facebook’s user base is so wide that everyone wonders if they were in the experiment.”
But Facebook has denied the claims. A spokesperson for the site told DailyMail.com: ‘This was not an experiment or test, but rather something that enables people to show their support of the LGBTQ community on Facebook.
‘The point of this tool is not to get information about people.’
But, as a report in the Atlantic points out, the site has long been involved in research to better see how information spreads in a social network.
For instance, in March 2013, the company published a study that looked at the factors that predicted support for marriage equality on Facebook.
casatorie homosexuali,
gen varsta,
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