04 septembrie 2015

cateva diferente intre femei si barbati :)

I never understood the saying "men are from Mars and women are from Venus" until I grew up and my eyes were opened to the differences between men and women. It's incredible how I didn't see them before since they're so polar opposite and incredibly obvious. These images pretty much sum up in one humorous list the differences between men and women, and you won't be able to disagree with any of them.
According to these images, women are apparently extremely complex and mysterious creatures while men are a simple-minded species...does this mean men are basic?

11 iulie 2015

Becurile "ecologice" sunt extrem de periculoase

 inainte de articolul propriu zis cu becurile , un fel de prefata mai mare , scrisa de mine pt ca tot e in "tema" 

fara sa fac pe desteptul , sau sa apar ca viteazul dupa razboi, pot spune ca eu demult am masurat nivelul de radiatie pe neoane normale , de alea lungi.   atunci mi-am dat seama ca ceva nu e in regula cu neoanele. am masurat empiric la acea vreme , cu un masurator de camp rf simplu cu un ac indicator si o dioda de detectie plus un condensator. initial masurasem monitoarele clasice cu tub catodic de la munca. vroiam sa vad cat radiaza aparent intr-un spectru larg.  apoi am masurat langa neoane . ca si concluzie ,tot empirica , ajunsesem sa imi dau seama cam cat camp electromagnetic emit diverse surse de "radiatie" la modul general.