e in engleza, pt ca am pus si pe un grup cu copy paste. asa ca pun si aici tot in engleza.
pozele sunt jos de tot.
here is the antenna from our TETRA repeater in Bucharest. In August, there was a strong storm one evening, and lightning struck the repeater antenna directly. An amateur radio from a neighboring block saw exactly when the lightning struck the antenna.
He told us that he simply lowered a cord about the size of a human leg, directly into the antenna. The repeater is powered from a house downstairs on the top floor. The person who lives there described to me that it was a bang to think that the ceiling was cracking. Due to the intelligent design, ensured when the repeater was installed by two radio amateurs authorized to design lightning protection systems, the repeater of an MTM5400 escaped undamaged. The antenna (X200) was turned to ash, and was effectively completely carbonized. The sponges inside lit up, but probably because of the rain they went out. As damage, in addition to the antenna and probably the last section of coaxial cable, an orange pi and a telemetry and remote control system also failed. These two modules have broken down as the LEDs light up on them, but they no longer work. Probably the magnetic induction shock damaged their internal processors. Anyway, we are happy that the thermal insulation on the block did not catch fire, that the lightning did not go into the house, down to the apartment where we supply electricity to the repeater, and last but not least, it is good that the MTM5400 did not burn. :) I have argued for many years, to mount up there, some dipoles in the phase, which would have been below the top of the pillar, and not this antenna that behaved exactly like a lightning rod. Now for sure we will mount dipoles there in the phase.
hai ma ca avem si in romana :))))
iata antena de la repetorul nostru TETRA din Bucuresti. In luna august, a fost o furtuna puternica intr-o seara, si un trasnet a lovit direct in antena de la repetor. Un radioamator dintr-un bloc invecinat, a vazut exact momentul cand a coborat fulgerul jos in antena. Ne-a povestit ca a coborat pur si simplu un cordon gros cam cat un picior de om, direct in antena. Repetorul este alimentat dintr-o locuinta de dedesupt de la ultimul etaj. Persoana care locuieste acolo, mi-a descris ca a fost o bubuitura de a crezut ca se crapa tavanul. Datorita proiectarii inteligente, asigurata la montarea repetorului de catre doi radioamatori autorizati sa proiecteze sisteme de protectie la fulgere, repetorul un MTM5400 a scapat nedeteriorat. Antena (X200) s-a facut scrum, si a fost efectiv carbonizata complet. Buretii din interior s-au aprins, dar probabil din cauza ploii s-au stins. Ca si pagube, pe langa antena si probabil ultima sectiune de cablu coaxial, s-au mai defectat un orange pi si un sistem de telemetrie si control la distanta. Aceste doua module s-au stricat la modul ca se aprind ledurile pe ele, dar nu mai functioneaza. Probabil socul de inductie magnetica, le-a defectat procesoarele interioare. Oricum, suntem fericiti ca nu a luat foc izolatia termica de pe bloc, ca nu s-a dus fulgerul in casa, jos in apartamentul de unde alimentam cu curent electric repetorul, si nu in ultimul rand, bine ca nu s-a ars MTM5400. :) Eu am sustinut de multi ani de zile, sa montam acolo sus, niste dipoli in faza , care ar fi fost mai jos decat varful pilonului, si nu aceasta antena care s-a comportat exact ca un paratrasnet. Acum sigur vom monta acolo dipoli in faza.
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