28 iulie 2015
Xena si broscutza rosie
oglinda rupta,
11 iulie 2015
Becurile "ecologice" sunt extrem de periculoase
inainte de articolul propriu zis cu becurile , un fel de prefata mai mare , scrisa de mine pt ca tot e in "tema"
fara sa fac pe desteptul , sau sa apar ca viteazul dupa razboi, pot spune ca eu demult am masurat nivelul de radiatie pe neoane normale , de alea lungi. atunci mi-am dat seama ca ceva nu e in regula cu neoanele. am masurat empiric la acea vreme , cu un masurator de camp rf simplu cu un ac indicator si o dioda de detectie plus un condensator. initial masurasem monitoarele clasice cu tub catodic de la munca. vroiam sa vad cat radiaza aparent intr-un spectru larg. apoi am masurat langa neoane . ca si concluzie ,tot empirica , ajunsesem sa imi dau seama cam cat camp electromagnetic emit diverse surse de "radiatie" la modul general.
becuri cu led,
cuptor cu microunde,
ultra violete,
unde radio,
cum faci o pizza repede si buna?
asta seara din nou , ma simt marinimos. stiu ca eu pt voi sunt un fel de zeu-centaur , si atoate-cunoscator, asa ca asta seara , o sa va explic ,in detaliu cum sa nu mori de foame , si sa iti faci o pizza super buna si super rapid , acasa , seara ora 12 noaptea.
la acest capitol , bucatarie , nu pot spune ca sunt prea "zeu" cum sunt in (multe) alte domenii, dar totusi ma descurc sa fac cateva chestii...de mancat .
(in cazul in care sunt litere lipsa , nu e problema , e doar tastatura pe care scriu , un pic mai mult defecta)
la acest capitol , bucatarie , nu pot spune ca sunt prea "zeu" cum sunt in (multe) alte domenii, dar totusi ma descurc sa fac cateva chestii...de mancat .
(in cazul in care sunt litere lipsa , nu e problema , e doar tastatura pe care scriu , un pic mai mult defecta)
cum fac pizza acasa,
cum se face o pizza buna,
pizza de casa,
pizza rapida si buna,
singur acasa
07 iulie 2015
telefonul cu fir din ata de papiota
Nu sunt deloc melancolic, sau genul de om care traieste in trecut, dar am gasit o carte de telefon de prin 1950. Ma uitam in ea de curiozitate, evident ca nu cautam ceva special, vreun numar de telefon fix din 1950 :) .
06 iulie 2015
10 cai frumosi
Dragutzeii mei: ma bucur ca un ied ce zburda pe campii ,si vreau sa va anunt, ca zilele astea este in teste un server de date de backup , cu 10 hardiskuri . (in total insumate , vreo 8
tera si vreo 200 :D ) (mai taie drecu' din ele) :D ( mai am de pus inca
unu, sa fie 11 cai frumosi :D ) proc-ul nu e ceva deosebit, este un amd
dual core, dar prefer acces sigur la fisiere, (adica cum e bancul ala , "incet si apasat" :D ) nu viteza de transfer. de
asemenea impreuna cu acest server va fi montat in paralel cu un AMD 8 core FX /
Buldozer cu 32 Gb ram (pe fire-wire) ( si care are 3,5 tera hard-uri)(mai mult pt editare video/audio) in principiu
acest server (cel de backup) va fi plin cu kituri ,softuri pt radioamatori ,
documentatie pt radioamatori, si eventual muzica si filme (seed torenti)(poate dau si un play la o muzica buna , cum era pe vremuri cu "cereri din playlist" , sa vedem )
data center,
radio fara filtru,
01 iulie 2015
Everyone Who Changed Their Facebook Photos To Rainbow Just Got DUPED
Over a million people changed their facebook profile pictures to a rainbow filter in support of gay marriage.
MIT network scientist Cesar Hidalgo wrote on Facebook yesterday. “The question is, how long will it take for people to change their profile pictures back to normal.”

Experts say that by setting up the tool, Facebook was able to get an unprecedented insight on how to influence their users. This would not be the first time Facebook has done this. In 2013, they published a study in which they admitted to conducting research into what would influence users to change their profile picture to a red equals sign in support of gay marriage.

Suzy Moat, a Warwick Business School assistant professor of behavioral science, said that it’s normal for businesses like Facebook to conduct research studies on how to influence behavior. However, she she also acknowledged that it’s understandable that users would be upset by it.
“On the other hand, it’s extremely understandable that many people are upset that their behavior may have been manipulated for purely scientific purposes without their consent,” she said. “In particular, Facebook’s user base is so wide that everyone wonders if they were in the experiment.”
But Facebook has denied the claims. A spokesperson for the site told DailyMail.com: ‘This was not an experiment or test, but rather something that enables people to show their support of the LGBTQ community on Facebook.
‘The point of this tool is not to get information about people.’
But, as a report in the Atlantic points out, the site has long been involved in research to better see how information spreads in a social network.
For instance, in March 2013, the company published a study that looked at the factors that predicted support for marriage equality on Facebook.
New reports reveal that the “Celebrate Pride” tool may not have been the best idea…
According to Daily Mail, this tool was actually Facebook’s way of performing psychological testing on their users.MIT network scientist Cesar Hidalgo wrote on Facebook yesterday. “The question is, how long will it take for people to change their profile pictures back to normal.”
Experts say that by setting up the tool, Facebook was able to get an unprecedented insight on how to influence their users. This would not be the first time Facebook has done this. In 2013, they published a study in which they admitted to conducting research into what would influence users to change their profile picture to a red equals sign in support of gay marriage.
Suzy Moat, a Warwick Business School assistant professor of behavioral science, said that it’s normal for businesses like Facebook to conduct research studies on how to influence behavior. However, she she also acknowledged that it’s understandable that users would be upset by it.
“On the other hand, it’s extremely understandable that many people are upset that their behavior may have been manipulated for purely scientific purposes without their consent,” she said. “In particular, Facebook’s user base is so wide that everyone wonders if they were in the experiment.”
But Facebook has denied the claims. A spokesperson for the site told DailyMail.com: ‘This was not an experiment or test, but rather something that enables people to show their support of the LGBTQ community on Facebook.
‘The point of this tool is not to get information about people.’
But, as a report in the Atlantic points out, the site has long been involved in research to better see how information spreads in a social network.
For instance, in March 2013, the company published a study that looked at the factors that predicted support for marriage equality on Facebook.
casatorie homosexuali,
gen varsta,
deblocare DV-in pe camera video Sony DCR-PC3E si alte modele de camere video
deblocare DV-in pe camere video Sony (adica ai rec de pe un soft ,cum ar fi Avid sau etc, "export to tape") . eu am facut deblocat un Sony DCR-PC3E
e mult de citit , dar daca te pricepi , te descurci... modfici in hexa , cateva chestii pe portul LANC , cuplat la portul LPT de la un calc mai vechi. (printr-o interfata simpla cu un tranzistor) (mare grija ce faci in hexa pe acolo) (am pus cu copy paste din calcul meu cateva pagini salvate , de aia arata asa incomplete...)
inca o data : MARE ATENTIE LA TABELELE HEXA !!! POTI BUSHI TOT .. pe riscul tau...
Tout d'abords GRAND MERCI ŕ un inconnu trouvé ICI
Je ne fais que reprendre son site en y mettant un peu plus d'infos.
Pour le canon MV20 ça ce passe pas ICI, c'est en Francais maintenant.
C'est donc un petit programme qui tourne sous PC Windows 9x et qui est une émulation de RM95.
Télechargement du Programme ici : dvin.zip
Il faut fabriquer un cable Selon le schéma ci-desous.
- 1 Connecteur 25 broches male pour port parallele,
- 1 Connecteur mini jack 2,5 Stéréo,
- 1 mčtre de câble audio,
- 1 transistor NPN Réf. BC238 ou 2N2222.
- Unzipper dans un répertoire le fichier reccuperé plus haut.
- Connecter la prise jack ŕ la prise Lanc du caméscope
- Mettre le caméscope en mode Player.
- Lancer le programme "DVin.exe".
Accessoires :
| |
![]() |
Les caméscopes TRV7, PC7 , PC10 et télécommande 814 des Digital 8 possčdent en bas a gauche 2 touches supplémantaires qui permettent de lancer l'enregistrement d'un signal d'entrée en mode "Player".
Pour ouvrir le boîtier de la télécommande et pour ne pas le détériorer il faut retirer les piles et
tordre le boîtier en le vrillant légčrement, ce qui libéreras les clips. Inutile d'utiliser un tournevis.
Il faut découper les trous dans le film qui recouvre le boîtier pour les 2 touches en bas a gauche.
Sur le pavé de commande souple, coller 2 bouts de caoutchouc en forme de touche sur les 2 emplacement en bas a gauche. Découpées les par exemple dans un joint de robinet - et coller les avec de la colle contact (Cyanoacrylate / Glue...).
Refermer le boîtier ainsi modifié.
Il faut appuyer simultanément sur les 2 touches avec le caméscope en mode "Player"
Et maintenant le liste des codes pour differents caméscopes :
Digital 8: / TR7000E, TR7100E, TRV110E, TRV210E, TRV310e, TRV410E,TRV510E
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Active l'enregistrement | ||||
Active l'entrée analogique | ||||
Active le DVin | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Attention pour les VX1000E seulement les caméscopes avec un numéro de série inférieur ŕ 423xx sont activables
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Active le DVin et l'enregistrement | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Passe en code VTR2 | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Attention pour les VX9000E seulement les caméscopes avec un numéro de série inférieur ŕ 159xx sont activables
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Active le DVin et l'enregistrement | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Active le DVin et l'enregistrement | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Active l'enregistrement | ||||
Active le DVin | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Active le DVin | ||||
Active l'enregistrement | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Elargis le zoom digital | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Active l'enregistrement | ||||
Active le DVin | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
Attention pour les TRV9E seulement les caméscopes avec un numéro de série inférieur ŕ 525xx sont activables
Il y a une procédure pour activer l'entrée DV mais Il semble qu'elle ne soit pas permanente aprčs coupure du caméscope, par contre elle peut ce faire autant de fois que nécessaire.
1. Allumer la caméra en mode "Player"
2. Entrer les codes
Voilŕ l'entrée est activée.
3. Faites les enregistrement souhaités
4. Eteingner la caméra, ceci vas désactiver l'enregitrement DV (les codes sont remis comme ŕ l'origine)
Voici les codes :
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||
Autorise l'écriture des pages | ||||||
Bloque l'écriture des pages |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() EU models of D8 and DV camcorders don't have DV-IN & ANALOG-IN enabled. This can be done using service tools : RM95, PC95 software, Lremote software, or doit your self with one of free DV-IN tools. After dangerous job is done your D8 camcorder won't support only DV IN on FireWire (IEEE-1394), but ANALOG IN (on normal analog output conn.) too. Ideal for recording analog ATV transmissions, video tests, etc, all in digital mode. But there is no RECORD button in VTR mode on your EU camcorder. At home you can use PC with software for controling. But what can we do on remote locations? Driving PC with camcorder ? No, for shure not. The tiny microprocessor remote controller LANC1 will do the job well. With two pushbuttons you can start VTR Recording, and Pause Recording. The same time VTR buttons on camera working too (Stop, Pause, Rewind, Play, ..). Remote controller is compatible with all models of SONY D8 & SE D8 camcorders, most of SONY DV (and miniDV) & Hi8/Video8 camcorders. NOTE: camcorder must be DV-IN / ANA-IN enabled before LANC-1 remote can be used. How to enable LANC-1 for CAM mode ![]() LANC-1 as delivered is ready for use in VTR mode. CAM (camera) and VTR (videorecorder) modes uses different record comand sequences. If you like to use device in CAM (camera) mode, two step modification is needed. Carefuly open remote (screw on backside). Step 1: cut (break) PCB line marked with RED on picture. Cut should be at least 1mm wide. Step 2: use wirewraping or similar tiny (isolated) wire and conect REC pushbutton with corner pin (pin10) of LANC-1 CPU, using soldering tool. That's all. Software support for CAM REC mode is already built in any LANC-1 remote. Do not try to solder wire without going thru 1.step (cuting PCB line). That way CPU will be destroyed. Avoid any static discharges ! Device is static sensitive! 1999-11-25 S5 LANC - Krmiljenje digitalnih video kamer S5LANC.PDF 1999-11-25 LANC1 - User manual LANC1.PDF LANC-1 (Assembled, preprogrammed, in box, ready to use) Secure Order Automatic DV-IN enabling soft. for one camcorder (Digital8 & DV) Link to Lremote package Link to AutoPC95 software DV-IN enabling software. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LANC control - PC LPT : | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Click on picture above. Full operational adapter with BS-170 |
Make adapter,download software, unzip it, connect camcoder with adapter to LPT1 ( LPT must be drivers free) and run EXE file. This cable will work on free DV-IN tools, as well on comercial ones. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Part list: 1 x DB25M (male) for LPT, 1 x minijack 2,5" Stereo, 1 x FETtransistor BS170 , cca 1m mono coaxial audiocable (1+GND). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Download folowing 3rd party free DV-IN software for SONY, PANASONIC, JVC :
info must include valid authors Email & home page. |
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| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
that can not be DV-IN
Canon MV5,
MV500, MV530, MV550 Grundig DLC1505 JVC GR DV1, DV3, DVF1, DVF10, DVJ70, DVL155, DVL160, DVL165, DVL200, DVL365, DVL400, DVL765, DVL865, DVL9000, DVM1, DVM5, DVP1(in service only), DVP3, DVP5, DVX, DVX400, DV500E (in service only) Panasonic NV DS29, DX1, GS1, MX2 SONY DCR IP55, PC10E, TRV16E, TRV18E, TRV24E, TRV130E+140E (in service only), TRV238E, TRV239E, TRV340E, TRV733E, TRV738E Thomson VMD712, VMD912 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAMCORDER MEMORY DUMP Do you have any complete camcorder memory dump ? No? Use RM95DUMP.EXE and drop me a mail. (attach info about DV-IN state, plus if you grant publishing of your identity) Temporary enable COLORBAR (Zebra patern) on any SE D8 (TRV8000E, 120E, 320E, 520E, 620E, 820E) 2.- page 00 adr 01 set from 00 to 01 And DON'T EXECUTE STORE command ! 3.- page 0D adr 1E set from 24 to A5 And DON'T EXECUTE STORE command ! New option called COLORBAR became visible in camera menu OTHERS. Switch option ON and Colobar is there. Until... you disconnect your power supply. No risiko - all changes hapend in RAM area only. 2.- On the little arm that hangs down on the left side of the camera there are two buttons that control the shutter speed. Hold those two buttons down for approx. 5 seconds and you got bars. 3.- To turn them off, hold down the same two buttons for approx. 5 seconds. They are not SMPTE bars and are not extremely accurate for the colors they represent. They are only a rough approximation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SE D8 remote info: EU RMT-814 can be enabled for VTR REC ![]() ![]() ![]() NOTE: S51KQ's LANC-1 remote will operate on SE D8 very well, too. |
![]() ![]() also (different) infos for VP-D70/73/75/77 and similar Medion-camcordersor Medion (Aldi) MiniDV cam and should be similar for others (but take care!) 1. switch on your camcorder in playmode (a cassette should be inside) and look at the TFT-display. 2. Press "Play" and "Down" buttons at the same time (at the side of the camera below "Enter") to get into service mode ;-) 3. Press "Stop" to prevent the tape from running further 4. Take your remote controll and press the red button until "OPTIONS" is shown on the screen. 5. Write down the HEX number which ist shown behind options in case you want to switch back later. 6. Now press "Wide" or "Tele" on your remote controll to increment or decrement the Hex number to "FE" 7. Press the red button again to store the number 8. Disconnect your camara from all electric sources (e.g. battery or plug) ... and you're done! My remarks: The Down-Button for the VP-D55 is under the TFT (Up/Enter/Down..). You have to press the Play + Down Button for 10 seconds to switch in to service mode. Samsung VP-D55/60/63/70/73/75/77 and similar Medion-camcorders, service manuals on http://free.hostdepartment.com/w/wolfi1000/samsung.html S51KQ note: instead of original IR remote you can try to use remotes from other Samsung MiniDV cams. |
3rd party DV-IN CODES
Not all verified by S51KQ
Be careful by using PAL codes on NTSC models !
After changing the codes, switch the camera off, remove battery and pull_out LANC cable !
All changes & modifications are on Your own risk !
1st edition D8 : TR 7000E, 7100E, 110E, 210E, 310E, 410E, 510E
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | A1 | A3 | enable record |
D | 15 | 18 | 1B | enable DVin |
D | 27 | 22 | 23 | cheksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Other functions on TR 7000E, 7100E, 110E, 210E, 310E, 410E, 510E
Note: TR7000E & 7100E uses different data on adr. 1E & 20 (green area)Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | A1 | A3 | enable record |
D | 17 | 77 | F7 | enable gain & exposition changing |
D | 18 | 40 | 60 | Zebra warning patern if overexposed |
D | 1E | 89 | 8B | enable White balance mode (auto/indoor/outdoor/hold) |
D | 1E | 88 | 8A | enable White balance mode (auto/indoor/outdoor/hold) |
D | 20 | 0F | 1F | LaserLink function |
D | 20 | 0B | 1B | LaserLink function |
D | 23 | 00 | 3B | cheksum |
D | 24 | 01 | 19 | enable Frame & Interval rec |
D | 25 | 00 | 81 | enable Colorbar in cam mode |
D | 26 | 00 | 10 | enable DV-editing function |
D | 27 | 22 | 23 | cheksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
2nd edition D8 : TR 8000E, 120E, 125E, 320E, 520E, 620E, 820E Tested on TRV 320E, only
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 24 | 26 | enable record & DV/ANA in |
D | 23 | A9 | AB | enable White balance control |
D | 2C | 22 | 63 (TRV 320E )
OK 26 (TRV 120E,125E) ?? |
cheksum Depend on other existing data too! |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
3rd Edition D8 - other functions on TRV 730 NTSC (Asia)
Henry Y. wrote: I have succeeded in modifying TRV-730 (Asia). A lot of changing method and address is similar to TRV-x20 series and the checksum compensation address is 2A (in page D).Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 16 | 07 | 17 | Interval REC (Frame REC not fonduded) |
D | 17 | 18 | 48 | WIND |
D | 1A | 37 | B7 | Manual exposure value display |
D | 1B | 40 | 60 | Zebra |
D | 1E | 34 | B5 | Colorbar |
D | 23 | B9 | BF | White balance & Mic |
D | 2A | 00 | 67 | cheksum compensation |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 24 | 26 | enable DVin |
D | 15 | B8 | BB | enable record |
D | 27 | 02 | 03 | cheksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 24 | 26 | enable DVin |
D | 15 | 38 | 3B | enable record |
D | 27 | 12 | 13 | cheksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
PC4E - Other functions on PC4E
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 16 | 06 | 0E | enable Frame Rec |
D | 1B | 40 | 60 | enable Zebra |
D | 1E | 64 | E5 | enable Colorbar |
D | 23 | 0B | 0F | manual Mic gain |
D | 2C | 13 | 13 | enable ESP/ELP recording modes (Already on?) |
D | 29 | 40 | 4C | enable new Memory stick recording mode (Not applicable to PC4) |
D | 31 | 00 | A1 | checksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
I realise that this might not work with all PC4Es. In case of trouble, one should experiment with different checksums. This is (relatively) easy with the convenient emergency feature in DVin lite.
PC5E Atention: the Cheksum code is missing here
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 24 | 26 | enable DVin |
D | 15 | 01 | 03 | ?? |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Other functions on PC5E
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 16 | 06 | 0E | enable Frame Rec |
D | 1B | 40 | 60 | enable Zebra |
D | 1E | 64 | E5 | enable Colorbar |
D | 23 | 0B | 0F | manual Mic gain |
D | 2C | 12 | 13 | enable ESP/ELP recording modes |
D | 29 | 40 | 4C | enable new Memory stick recording mode |
D | 31 | 00 | A7 | cheksum ?? |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
PC5E Another posibility to get permanent DV-IN Drop me a note if works on your camera.
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 24 | 26 | enable DVin |
D | 2C | 12 | 13 | enable ESP/ELP recording modes |
D | 31 | 00 | 03 | cheksum ?? |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
1 | 00 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 44 | 46 | enable DVin |
D | 1C | 11 | 13 | enable record |
1 | 00 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Digital Zoom to 90 (120 ?)
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
6 | 00 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
F | 1B | CD | CF | larger digital Zoom |
6 | 00 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 4E | 4F | enable DVin |
D | 15 | 81 | 83 | enable record |
D | 1A | 73 | 70 | cheksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
TRV6E Temporary enable DV-IN
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 24 | 26 | Don't press on STORE ! |
D | 2C | 12 | 13 | Don't press on STORE ! |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 56 | 57 | enable record |
D | 15 | 01 | 03 | enable DVin |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 5E | 5F | enable record |
D | 15 | 81 | 83 | enable DVin |
D | 1A | 73 | 70 | |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
TRV 8E / 10E
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 24 | 26 | enable record |
D | 15 | 38 | 3B | enable DVin |
D | 27 | 12 | 13 | cheksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Other functions on TRV 8E / 10E
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 18 | 40 | 60 | enable Zebra |
D | 1E | 8B | 8F | manual Mic gain |
D | 24 | 01 | 19 | enable Interval & Frame rec |
D | 29 | BF | 83 | cheksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 25 | 27 | enable record |
D | 15 | 38 | 3B | enable DVin |
D | 27 | 42 | 43 | cheksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 16 | 17 | enable record |
D | 15 | 01 | 03 | enable DVin |
D | 1A | 71 | F1 | |
D | 21 | 40 | C0 | |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
VX700E / VX1000E
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
1 | 00 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 11 | 44 | 14 | enable DVin and record |
1 | 00 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Change Infrared Remote Control code to VTR2
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
1 | 00 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 03 | 00 | 40 | change to VTR2 code |
1 | 00 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
1 | 00 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 11 | 84 | 14 | enable DVin and record |
1 | 00 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
1 | 00 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 11 | C4 | 54 | enable DVin and record |
1 | 00 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 64 | 66 | enable record |
D | 21 | 00 | 02 | cheksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 14 | 65 | 67 | enable record |
D | 1E | A9 | AB | enable ANAin |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
TR780e Hi8
Page | Adress | Original Data | Modified Data | Action |
0 | 01 | 00 | 01 | remove write protection |
D | 17 | 06 | 17 | enable record |
D | 15 | 18 | 1B | enable ANAin |
D | 27 | 22 | 23 | cheksum |
0 | 01 | 01 | 00 | install write protection |
PANASONIC camcorder (use PANATEST 1)
Model | Page | Address | Code En. | Code Dis. | Comment |
DS77 | 0 | F8 | 42 | 42 | Identification |
0 | F7 | 01 or 81 | 19 or 99 | ||
0 | 30 | 23 | 33 | ||
DA1 | 0 | F8 | 62 | 62 | Identification |
0 | F7 | 00 | 18 | ||
0 | 30 | EF | FF | ||
DS33 | 0 | F8 | 72 | 72 | Identification |
0 | F7 | 01 | 19 | ||
0 | 30 | 23 | 33 | ||
EX1 | 0 | F8 | 82 | 82 | Identification |
0 | F7 | 01 | 19 | ||
0 | 30 | 23 | 33 | ||
DX100 | 0 | F8 | A2 | A2 | Identification |
0 | F7 | 00 | 18 | ||
DS5 | 0 | F8 | B2 | B2 | Identification |
0 | F7 | 00 | 18 | ||
DS1 | 0 | F8 | C2 | C2 | Identification |
0 | F7 | A0 | B8 |
For camcorders below use PANATEST 2
Model | Page | Address | Code En. | Code Dis. | Comment |
DS99 | 0 | F7 | A0 | A0 | |
0 | DD | 2C | 3C | ||
1 | 97 | 02 | 12 | ||
DS11 | 0 | F7 | 68 | 68 | |
1 | 97 | 03 | 13 | ||
EX3 | 0 | F7 | A0 | A0 | |
0 | DD | 2C | 3C | ||
1 | 97 | 02 | 12 | ||
DS8 | 0 | F7 | 68 | 68 | |
1 | 97 | 83 | 93 | ||
DS35 | 0 | F7 | A0 | A0 | |
0 | DD | 2C | 3C | ||
1 | 97 | 02 | 12 | ||
DS55 | 0 | F7 | A0 | A0 | |
0 | DD | 2C | 3C | ||
1 | 97 | 02 | 12 | ||
DS15,DS25 | 0 | F7 | A0 | A0 | |
0 | DD | 2C | 3C | ||
1 | 97 | 07 | 17 |

Program is working only in DOS mode from a
bootable disk
Please test new macro & dump
first two macro are are not
Basically You can create Your
Set of commands adding rows to
lanc.mac file.
A row start with + and ends
with *
three commands
W = Write current selection in
G0F34 = Goto page 0F address
SXX = Write XX in current
pointed address
All RM95 functions
Plus ability to create and
lanc command (for camcorder
Plus memory dump
Plus command scan
Plus macro parser !!!!!
Cable schema for connecting Your
camera to PC in DOS
Lanc Sony Setting Universe Part 1
----------------------------------- Some info for brave people thinking to start a new voyage into their own camera setting universe ;-)))) Please sorry for my english , I'm writing from Italy (North Mountains). First of all consider to buy the Service Manual of your camera from Sony or from the link below. It could be a good idea.. Sony uses a protocol called Lanc, able to control all their video & camera with a Sony remote control called RM95. This device, used by Sony Service connects the camera via a mini-stereo-jack plug normally jacked into the flash plug. This RM95 is not available from Sony, but there are some people that emulate it via software, for example using rm95emul & rm95dump i.e. two dos mode routine able to dump to a file the 16 registry pages of any Sony device and to change-read registers settings via pc. My research was started by a flash error om my s70 an from the request of 180$ for changing a byte value from sony services.... ;-))) I saw (thanks acem77) was possible to build a parallel-minijack cable with a couple of dollars ad use the same tools made by people interested in enabling the dv-in in the sony videocameras. What we can do controlling the 16 pages of registry ? Well first of all a lot of damages... So the first operation is to take a dump on file of your camera, please note any camera has different dump, even if comparing same models. Think about on some pages of this dump there are the ccd faul error corrections that are specific for any ccd... I would like to create a database of these dumps, foe any Sony Models, so that we can help us each other on researching useful settings.... Sony use quite a lot of similarities even in very different models, so the reverse engineering of settings of one model can help the rev eng of others. What are the benefits? Well up to now I was able to fix flash errors E:90:91 at zero cost, enabling two new formats on my S70 and introducing an icon on the menu for controlling the focus as usually do the focus button. I can also enabling a bar color pattern, a grey bar pattern shooting photos via pc, changing the lcd bright, color saturation etc etc etc.......... An important disclaimer for Mr Sony. I like your products My aim is just to enhance my photos, and my beloved camera capabilities. nothing else than this. End Of Part 1 For the interested people please do not esitate to contact me, but before to do this, give a look to some links: (Schema cable) http://www.angelfire.com/ab2/DVinSony/ (Manuals for Sales) http://servicemanuals.net/index.html (Dvin-lanc stuff) http://lea.hamradio.si/~s51kq/DV-IN.HTM http://www.hardwareanalysis.com/action/printarticle/1464 (Programs) http://stanza.techfocus.net/camera/rm95.zip -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- From what I get from the 707 dump, also in this case is possible to change the 5 predefined photo formats acting on five addresses on page 0d. In this case the target locations are 22,23,24,25,26 default values 01 04 08 8A 0A This means the 707 uses 640x480 1280x960 2048x1536 2560 (3:2) 2560x1920 And You can pick up other stuff following the table below... REMEMBER TO COMPENSATE THE XOR CHECKSUM USING a DUMMY BYTE (3E or 3F are probably candidates) FORMULA: CA-New = (TA-Old XOR TA-New) XOR CA-Old TA-Old = Target Address Old Value TA-New = Target Address New Value CA-Old = CheckSum Address Old value CA-New = Chechsum Address New value FORMAT TABLE Hex Binary Format Type ------------------------------- (00)--00000000--> NOT USED (01)--00000001--> 640x480 (02)--00000010--> 1024x768 (03)--00000011--> 1216x912 (04)--00000100--> 1280x960 (05)--00000101--> 1472x1104 (06)--00000110--> 1600x1200 (07)--00000111--> 1920x1440 (08)--00001000--> 2048x1536 (09)--00001001--> 2304x1728 (0A)--00001010--> 2560x1920 (0B)--00001011--> 1856x1392 (0C)--00001100--> 2240x1680 (80)--10000000--> NOT USED (81)--10000001--> 640 (3:2) (82)--10000010--> 1024 (3:2) (83)--10000011--> 1216 (3:2) (84)--10000100--> 1280 (3:2) (85)--10000101--> 1472 (3:2) (86)--10000110--> 1600 (3:2) (87)--10000111--> 1920 (3:2) (88)--10001000--> 2048 (3:2) (89)--10001001--> 2304 (3:2) (8A)--10001010--> 2560 (3:2) (8B)--10001011--> 1856 (3:2) (8C)--10001100--> 2240 (3:2) KK ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Well ..second episode... First of all thanks to Thaar for his bravery and the dump of a 707.... Now I can really start to focus a bit my studies, analysing the similarities between firmware of Cybershots Cameras....... If someone wants to send me as gifts some sony cameras...no problems I will appreciate it :-) My data will be NOW based over DSCS70 and partially the DSC707. I'm trying to convince my friend to let me 'operate' over his P12 ....but he's worried about my strange activities.... Firmwares setting of 707 or S70 are splitted into 16 pages... from 00 to 10hex.. Here the first draft result of my initial analysis.. First of all remember one thing: Some of Sony Camera Setting are Persistent even if the Battery is disconnected..some not.. Exposure level is RAM based...disconnect the battery and You will loose the setting....... Photo Size Format is EEPROM based...disconnect the battery and You will NOT loose the setting.......... FLASH ERROR and ARE....EEPROM BASED ;-))) NOTE ONUSE OF THE EMULATOR VIA LANC CABLE AND A PC IN DOS MODE The RM95EMUL SOFTWARE is a very simple emulator... Just 6 buttons and a a WRITE FUNCTION A- Move ONE PAGE DOWN S- Move ONE PAGE UP D-Move one Address Down F-Move one Address Up G-One bit Decrement of pointed address(In RAM) H-One bit Increment of pointed address(IN RAM) W-Write current location value into EEPROM CAMERA HERE THE FIRST DRAFT PAGE DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------- Page00 Master Registry Page. Up to now the only relevant address on this page is the address 01 If You set it to 1 all the other pages are unlocked. If not You cannot set any registry. Page01 This Page is LOCKED AN IS USED FOR REPAIR ADJUSTING PURPOSES Page02 THIS PAGE CONTAINS MOSTLY RAM UNPERSISTENT SETTING LIKE AE Programs, Flash Levels,Exposure Levels etc etc. Is probably not completely mirrored in any eeprom....take away the battery and this page is almost completely re defaulted to standard settings.... Page03 MOSTLY UN-USED Page04 UNKNOW Page05 TEST FUNCTIONS?, on my S70 , address 1F controls the generation of color bar monitor,grey scale etc etc... Page06 UNKNOW Page07 HOT PAGE DO NOT TOUCH, IT CONTAINS FACTORY CCD WHITE\BLACK ERROR compensations Page08 EMPTY PAGE Page09 UNKNOW Page0A EMPTY PAGE Page0B UNKNOW Page0C EMPTY PAGE Page0D THIS PAGE CONTAINS MOSTLY EEPROM PERSISTENT SETTING LIKE PHOTO FORMAT, MENU DEFINITIONS PHOTO NUMBERS etc etc. I was\will publish some settings for this fundamental page... Basically you can start to play with this page, with your camera switched on. If Youdo not press 'W' the change of an address content disappear when you move to a previous or next page\address. Some of this page settings are xor checksum controlled... For instance addresses 20 21 22 23 24 selects the photo size.... Page0E UNKNOW Page0F THIS PAGE Contains Lens\Shiutter Mechanism & Withe balancing settings and is camera dependent,every camera has different values A lot of work still to do.... ;-)) See You Soon KK --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Third episode... I'm quite happy. My initial & main purpose was to trow a stone in the sony camera swamp... (Italian saying) without any illegal action. I bought my camera and I can do whatever damage I want to her.... It's mine ! I think this thing is happening, and people are beginning to having fun starting to think their cameras have a...beatiful mind... somewhere.... I think also Sony services will have potentially a lot of fun with cameras with brain damages ;-))))))) . .. ... Seriously ,I'm enjoying a lot the possibility to re-discover my camera, thinking now it's simply .. a 'Unique' piece... Now i'm shooting at 1/2000 in 1024x768 fitting 180 photos into a 64Mb MemStick :-)))))))))))) Generally speaking.. I will try to build a little website collecting all the info I will get for a creating a personal quick reference. Thanks to people who sent me 707 717 V1 dumps.. Remember, these dumps are not the camera firmware, but the registry set of the firmware , i.e. like a sort of windows registry. Sony V1 can upload the whole firmware, via mstick, see the Sony supportWeb site. (At your risk ;-) I will review them but I need some help and some spare time on it ..and most important , someone brave enough to try the setting modifications on his own camera from mine, or someone that will gift me some cameras ;-)))))))))))) I would like to get S75 S85 dumps also, very similar to s70. I still have to verify lanc connection availability on Px series.. There are some future plans for moving the current Lanc interface on a serial Win32 compatible interface, using schemas like that: http://www.dreamvideo.it/elettronica/sch_lanc_2.htm, but not for the immediate... IMPORTANT! For changing\experimenting registry values you need possibly the service manual, and a dos mode pc starting the stuff via bootable dos diskette, and not via dos emulation. There is a program called dv-in lite able to work with Win95 98 , but again, the problem is the parallel connection, timing, always a nightmare on xp , nt without a dedicate driver... Remember the fundamental rule of MAKING A DUMP before thinking to operate on the registries. See you soon KKPrince ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- | ||||||||||||||||
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